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A Photographer's Journey into the Heart of Wildwood Devon's Stunning Wildlife

Welcome to Wildwood Devon, where nature thrives and wildlife roams free! As a photographer, I was privileged to have the opportunity to capture the stunning creatures that inhabit this incredible place. Wildwood Devon is a wildlife trust situated in the heart of Devon in the UK, and is home to an array of animals including Arctic Foxes, Red Squirrels, Otters, and even Brown Bears. The trust has dedicated itself to the protection and conservation of these beautiful creatures and their habitats. As I explored the site with my camera, I was struck by the incredible beauty of the animals, and the vital work being done to preserve their existence. Join me on this journey as I share some of the most breathtaking moments I captured whilst visiting Wildwood Devon.

We started off by venturing into the woodlands, and my heart leapt with joy as I spotted a flash of orange fur darting across the ground below the bridge beneath my feet. Red squirrels, one of my all-time favorite animals, have always held a special place in my heart. In fact, I used to carry my beloved stuffed Red Squirrel toy with me wherever I went as a child. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to observe these elusive creatures in their natural habitat. Although known for their timidity, the Red Squirrels at Wildwood were surprisingly friendly, and I was able to capture some precious moments with my camera. Seeing these petite creatures up close was a poignant reminder of their endangered status, and it reinforced the importance of the conservation efforts carried out by the dedicated team at Wildwood.

Leaving the Red Squirrel walkthrough, our excitement grew as we ventured towards the outer edge of the trust, hoping to catch a glimpse of another fascinating creature - a Wallaby, a distant cousin of the Kangaroo! Along the way, a magnificent pheasant caught my eye with its striking plumage and regal stance. I couldn't resist capturing its details with my camera. Our luck continued as we were able to locate the Wallabies in the outskirts of the woodland. However, our visit happened to coincide with the hottest day of the year so far, and the Wallabies were taking advantage of the warm weather, lounging in the sun. Respecting their need for peace and tranquility, we didn't linger for too long. Nonetheless, I was able to capture a shot of one of these magnificent creatures, with its distinctive features and amusing posture.

Continuing our journey, we ventured into a more wooded section of the trust and were greeted by two fascinating species - a Wild Cat and a small pack of Wolves! Despite the challenges of photographing through the thinly graded mesh of the Wild Cat's enclosure, I was determined to capture the exquisite details of its face. With some post-production magic, I was able to bring out the beauty of this elusive feline, framing it using the elements inside its pen. The Wolves, on the other hand, were also enjoying a mid-morning snooze, much like the wallabies we encountered earlier. Respecting their need for rest, I took a discreet shot "through the bushes" in an attempt to capture their striking presence. It was awe-inspiring to witness these creatures with similar mannerisms to our common house pets - the wild cat grooming itself with grace, and the wolves curling up in a familiar pose, reminiscent of my own Labrador. It's moments like these that highlight the wonder of wildlife and the connections we share with them, even in the wild.

Our adventure at Wildwood continued with a captivating encounter with the Eurasian Eagle Owl. Its piercing orange eyes and intricate feather patterns were a sight to behold. Though a bit camera-shy, I was determined to capture the beauty of this winged creature and managed to snap a headshot. Moving on, we came across one of my personal favorites from the day - the Wild Boars! Members of the same family as domesticated pigs, their comical movements and expressive facial features brought a smile to my face. With their snouts to the ground, they foraged and explored their surroundings, creating delightful photographic moments that were too good to miss.

The highlight of our visit was undoubtedly our encounter with the Arctic Foxes. I was taken aback by the stunning beauty of these creatures up close. Their playful and cheeky nature was on full display as they chased each other around their enclosure, navigating bridges and platforms with ease. Their fluffy coats and captivating eyes made for breathtaking imagery. Just as we were about to move on, I noticed one of the foxes looking directly at me from a platform, and I was instantly captivated. To my amazement, the fox then started to walk towards me along the bridge, creating an unforgettable moment that I will cherish for years to come. It was a truly remarkable experience to be in such close proximity to these magnificent animals, and witness their curious, playful behavior.

A much-loved member of the trust, we saw the Indian Blue Peacock around the grounds on several occasions. He seemed to relish any attention he could get, showing off his stunning colours that were a joy to photograph. His bold and charismatic personality shone through, making for some fascinating shots.

Nearing the end of our trip, we visited the stunning Snowy Owls. Any fellow Harry Potter fan will apreciate my excitement at meeting a Hedwig lookalike. Their enclosure was quite dark, so I darkened the background further in post production to create this eye-catching piece. It was also lovely to see some of the forestry at the site. The contrast between the dark clearing and the light-coloured trees was irresistible, resulting in a different style of photograph that showcased the beauty of the space.

Despite several unsuccessful attempts to see the elusive Asian Short Clawed Otters during our visit, we decided to give it one last try as we made our way out of Wildwood. I peeked into the viewing gallery and was pleasantly surprised to see both otters out and about, enjoying themselves. They were much more friendly and sociable than I had anticipated, and their excitement grew with every new arrival in the area. They started squeaking and chattering as if they were having a conversation with everyone watching. I couldn't resist capturing their playful interactions with each other in my photos. It was a delightful end to our trip, witnessing the wonderful charm and talkative nature of these adorable otters.

My first trip to Wildwood Devon was one I will cherish for many years to come. I am incredibly grateful to have captured some stunning images of the wildlife during my visit, allowing me to share my experience with others. I eagerly anticipate my next trip, particularly when the European Brown Bears will be out of hibernation. I'd like to thank Wildwood for all the hard work they put into keeping these animals protected, and giving them the life they deserve.

Thank you so much for reading.

Maddie ☺︎


Capturing special moments through a camera lens to be treasured forever


Equine, Canine, Product Photographer
Based in
Ipplepen, Devon, UK


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