I'm embarassed to say that for many years, I've been a total camera snob. I was very much a believer that if I didn't have my DSLR or film camera in my hand, any image I took would look rubbish. I spent my time thinking 'oh, I wish I had my camera with me right now - what I'm seeing would make the perfect photo'. I'm pleased to share that recently I have begun embracing the tiny camera I have in my back pocket - my phone!
There are times where us photographers can't have our camera in our hand 24/7, which I find to be both a terrifying and deeply frustrating concept. When mucking out our horses, walking the dog, going for a ride, or popping to she shops, we can't be carrying a heavy and expensive piece of equipment. However, us creatives are always on the lookout for an eye-catching shot, so when we see something special we want to capture it.

I was heading up to bring in one of our horses, Maisey, and noticed she was happily sleeping in the sunshine. Her lip was drooping so low you could stuff treats in there and she'd never know, so I knew I had to get a quick snap. She's such an expressive horse, so I wanted to have the chance to get an image of how I see her, as she's always been very camera shy.
I grabbed my phone and set it up on a slight wide angle to really enhance Maisey's muzzle. I was lucky enough that something intrigued her in the distance, providing me with the 'ears forward' target I'm always aiming for with my equine photographs. This created a perfectly symmetrical face, with a funny little droopy lip for the ultimate goofy pony picture.

When visiting London with a friend, I was unable to bring my camera with me. I was however, as we all are in this modern world, able to access my phone at any moment to capture sights that took my eye.
Here we have the unmistakable Big Ben, which I spotted through a gap in a thick steel wall. The composition was perfect, so I just brought out my phone and took a quick snap. Although we were in a hurry, I made sure to give this image the time it deserved.
You can see hints of the London Eye, which was a really exciting moment in our trip, so this image is very important to me not only due to the unique capture of the landmark, but also the memories that come along with it.
Though I have now accepted that the device on my hip isn't something to be afraid of, I will still always prioritise my DSLR photography, as I feel that there's nothing quite like having a 'proper' camera in my hand, and the imagery created with it can't quite be reached with a simple mobile phone.
Thank you so much for reading. I hope you too can explore the world of photography through the camera lens of your phone.
Maddie ♡