For many of us, moments fly by too quickly to truly be able to cherish them as we should, and we often find it difficult to remember positive memories when we feel down. I believe naturally joyful moments are incredibly important, and must be deeply treasured in order to fully thrive in life. This is made possible through photography - capturing fleeting points in time through a lens, allowing them to last forever for future generations to reflect upon. In this post I hope to inform you why I find photography so meaningful.

I captured the photo above during a working hunter clinic, and between rounds I looked across the field at the scene you see before you - a natural, genuine bond between horse and rider. The (human) model featured and her family can appreciate this image for many years to come, and reflect upon the pure friendship it displays. A candid photograph such as this brings me so much joy, as it reminds me why I love shooting horses and their riders so much.
Aside from capturing sentimental moments, photography can also highlight amusing points in time which our eye is often too slow to fully take advantage of. Below, I have an image of my dog, captured in the split-second before she sneezed. Her facial expressions are therefore a little unusual as she executes what seems to be a smile almost on the brink of laughter; which in return, humours many. If something as simple as this can bring a smile to someone else's face, then photography really is in my opinion the most extraordinary art form, as it forces us to see what is in front of us.

Photography also has a way of awakening our imagination and letting us loose on a mad idea. Below is an image created by one of my mad ideas. I was inspired by the vast theme of Japanese Horror, which seemed to have a common underlying style connecting all of the villains. I attempted to replicate this style by self-portraiting as a child with long, dark hair covering my face, a similar appearance to the previously mentioned villains. The technique was incredibly effective as I managed to enforce the desired emotion onto my audience - fear. That is what photography is all about; conveying emotion so that we may feel something towards an image or person.

I hope that this blog has been informative, as I felt I needed to express why I am so passionate about photography, and why I would love to help create images for you also to treasure forever, of whatever your heart desires ☺︎